AVPA October 2023 Scientific Meeting

Venue:Heritage Queenstown
Date:Mon, Oct 30 9:00 am
Conference dates:
Monday October 30th     9am – 5pm followed by dinner
Tuesday October 31st    9am – 1:30pm

To register and view the program, visit the Eventbrite page <here>.

Venue: Heritage Hotel 91 Fernhill Rd Queenstown


Heritage Queenstown agrees to reserve:

Room Type Sunday
Deluxe Room $254 $254
Deluxe Family Room $254 $254
Deluxe Lakeview Room $294 $294


Heritage Queenstown will provide all delegates with agreed accommodation rates as above (which will be listed on the Heritage website); provided the below code is used when making the booking. The agreed accommodation rates can be applied by your guests by:

  1. Logging on to our website http://www.heritagehotels.co.nz and entering their code in our “Promo code” field and selecting “Heritage Queenstown”, or
  2. Contacting our Reservations department directly via email or telephone.

Bookings are subject to availability once the above accommodation block is filled.

Promo Code: PIANZ23
Code is valid for bookings made between: 29th October – 1st November 2023.